Our furry friends love summer just as much as we do! For many, it’s the best time of year to be out, about, and enjoying all that the season has to offer.
Though its certainly encouraged to take your pets to hike, treks, and even swimming, it is not easy to keep them cool in the summer, also Dogs can only pant to dissipate the heat and it makes them breathing difficult. Also, it has no sweat glands except for the paws and the muzzle.
NOTE: The effective method of cooling/thermoregulation in Dogs is panting. Humans sweat almost from everywhere because they have sweat glands, called apocrine glands, associated with every hair follicle on their body but Dogs only produce sweat on areas not covered with furs, such as the nose and paw pads.
The following are the important tips to read on and to follow in the summer to keep our companions cool.
1.Don’t Ever leave your Dog in a vehicle.
Probably, you’ve heard this one before, but it’s so important that I still decided to list it first. It will be taken only minutes for them to suffer from heatstroke and suffocate. Even if you park it in the shade it is still dangerous to leave your pet in the car. On a 78 degree day, for instance, temperatures in a car can reach 95 degrees Fahrenheit in the shade and top 170 degrees Fahrenheit if parked directly in the sun. Your best bet is to leave your dog home on warm days.
NOTE: Brachycephalic breed (pushed in nose) like Pugs, Bulldogs, Boston Terrier alongwith Golden Retrievers and Labradors which are prone to laryngeal paralysis are also susceptible to heatstroke as well.
2. Keep the paws of clean
When the sun is out the asphalt roads and metals can get hot. Taking them out for the walks should be avoided in such situations and practice the walks during the cooler parts of the day. After the brisk walk wipe the paws with a clean cloth since the chances of secondary bacterial infections are very high in the summer condition.
3. Dogs should have access to fresh drinking water and shade
They get much thirstier than we do when they get hot, and other than panting and drinking, they really have no way to cool themselves down. Keep them in the shade all the time if possible. Even our dogs like to sunbathe now and then but too much exposure may lead to heatstroke.
4. Protect Them Against Parasites
It is very evident if not protected against the parasites such as ticks and flees there is a chance of getting the diseases such as Canine Ehrlichiosis, Babesiosis, Anaplasmosis, or even end up in flea bite allergies. So, like I earlier said it’s very important to maintain their paws neat. If they get any of the parasites on the body it is important to address and get an opinion from your Vet.
Note: Believe it or not, dogs can sunburn, especially those with short or light-colored coats. And just like with people, sunburns can be painful for a dog, and overexposure to the sun can lead to skin cancer.
5. Watch your dog’s weight
After a long winter, many dogs put on a few extra pounds. Summer is the perfect time to increase his level of exercise and get in tip-top shape. A pet that maintains a healthy weight throughout his/her lifetime will live, on average, 2-3 years longer than an overweight pet. Just make sure not to over-exert your dog. Talk to your veterinarian, give him adequate rest and if your dog is especially overweight, make sure you ease him into physical activity.
6. Clipping and shaving can be an option
Consider clipping or shaving dogs with long coats (talk to your groomer or veterinarian first to see if it’s appropriate for your pet). This keeps the pet cool and also it is easy to locate the external parasites if any.
As a canine nutritionist, I should give some advice to you about the feeding habits in the summer.
When the weather is hot, it takes fewer calories to keep warm. Therefore, the need for food is less. It’s the same for us. In the summer we tend to eat lighter. So, pay attention to your dog. If he’s not that hungry during the summer, don’t be concerned. When it’s too hot, your pup doesn’t need the same amount of calories from food to keep warm.
Dog Feeding Tips For Hot Days:
1.Follow your dog´s appetite level, you can even alter (decrease) his or her daily portion accordingly.
2.Consider fasting once a week, or partial fasting such as giving your dog just one nice smaller juicy chew in the late evening or early morning.
3.Offer meals at room temperature or slightly cooler. Too cold is not good for your dog´s stomach.
4.Increase the easily digestible carbs such fruits (watermelon, Musk melon, Bananas) and also veggies (beans, Carrots, Beetroots, Cucumbers), also can include a scoop of Ice cream or tender coconut water in their diet.
(Dr. Adarsh Babu, M.VSc Animal Nutrition works in Bengaluru and is the in-house consultant for Lizzy’s Delicious)