when it comes to food
We are currently busy changing what your dog eats.
We have no dramatic story to make your heart melt.
No grandma’s recipe passed over generations
No fallen-in-love-with-a-pooch-accidentally narrative
No epiphanies-while-trekking-in-the-Himalayas
Sorry, if you came looking for a probable Netflix plot
We are a bunch of simple hoomans, passionate about dogs and their good health.
We dream of great recipes day and night. Sometimes, they are interspersed with the nightmare that our nutritionist or our chefs have shown it a red flag, but we manage, somehow.
Our goal is to have your pet’s tail wag so fast that it can power your entire house. (Told ya—we are simple people!)
So far, it has been a beautiful journey that has been fuelled by your love, and our vision to make fresh dog-food accessible to as many dogs as possible. Yes, it is true that this project was indeed kindled with our love for Lizzy & Scarlett, our in-house Canines-In-Chief, but in hindsight, this has always been the plan.
Added to everything stated above, we also suck at talking about ourselves. We let our food do the talking.